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subsequent collection中文是什么意思

用"subsequent collection"造句"subsequent collection"怎么读"subsequent collection" in a sentence


  • 补收


  • In such a case , the pic statement given in the original registration form should cover the subsequent collection activities . alternatively or in addition , a pop - up box could be used to provide a pic statement whenever such collection begins
  • In addition to the distribution of relevant papers to the dcc members and the subsequent collection of their opinions on specific concerns , the committee held two regular meetings and a briefing session in 2002 - 03 where staff and the management exchanged their views on a wide range of topics of mutual concern , including recruitment , promotion , career posting , training , working environment , staff welfare and service - wide matters
    委员会负责分发有关文件给各委员,并收集他们对所关心事务的意见。 2002至03年度,委员会召开了两次会议和一次简报会,供管方与员工就共同关心的各类事务交换意见,主要涉及的事务包括招聘、晋升、为职业前途的调职、培训、工作环境、员工福利,以及公务员事务事宜。
用"subsequent collection"造句  


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